Last Updated: 2022-09-08

HealthFrame Visit Preparation Features

HealthFrame software visit page

Patients have time-limited access to their physicians. It is critical that you maximize the benefits of your interactions with your medical providers, getting all of your questions and concerns addressed.

Additionally, check-up appointments may be scheduled months in advance. You may have non-urgent health related circumstances occur in between interactions with your doctor, and you are likely to forget to mention them when you are interacting with him/her.

Certain visits are scheduled in order to administer specific tests. In some cases, e.g. cholesterol test, endoscopy, colonoscopy, etc specific preparation instructions need to be followed in advance of the test (and visit). Some preparation work may require hours or even days of following specific medical directions. This is also true, of course, for certain types of procedures such as surgery.

Finally, as a result of a medical visit, your health care provider may recommend specific follow-up instructions. It is important that you track any oral or written instructions provided by your doctor, in a way that will help you remember and follow those instructions.

HealthFrame provides visit preparation and follow-up support (Preparation and Post-Visit Notes section of the Visit form) to help you:

  • Maximize the benefits of your health and wellness interaction
  • Track all your questions and concerns regarding your health and wellness
  • Prepare for specific tests and procedures
  • Follow up on your doctors recommendations

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