Last Updated: 2022-09-08

Records for Living's Privacy Policy

Records for Living completely respects consumer privacy.

Under no circumstances does Records For Living track, or in any way capture or store your personal health information.

Our Personal Health Record software allows you to capture your own health information, and to store it on your own computer.

Any personal health information submitted to a Records for Living web service is immediately discarded after use.

We collect web-site information through cookies & log files to create a "profile" of your preferences in order to improve the content of our website, our marketing and our advertising.

When processing and fulfilling sales, we do use third-party banks and shipping companies, and relay to them only the information they need to process the sale and complete shipping.

Any information Records for Living does capture for support, and quality assurance purposes, we hold private and secure, and under no circumstances – ever redistribute that information to any third parties.