Last Updated: 2022-09-08

HealthFrame Library

What is it?

The HealthFrame Library is medical content built-in to HealthFrame, in a wide variety of natural contexts. It provides you with relevant, accredited medical information about your health (e.g. conditions, medications, immunizations, tests).


This shows the lookup for information about 'Barret Esophogus'


The section contains lots of information about the item in the page in which it resides. It contains synonyms for the term (e.g. disease or medication) in question. It may contain a description of that term, and a link – or possibly several links – to extra content on the web to find out more information about the item in question.

Most of the content for this section comes from the NLM (National Library of Medicine)’s UMLS (Universal Library of Medicine). There is also a link button to automatically search the Medline Plus ( US National Library of Medicine health site.

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